Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How To Compere For Annual Day In School

And after so many taken away,
seems to give a truce ...
an option to relocate your piece ...
Could it be that even breathe the game ....?

you endeavor to fit, because it must be

no guarantees ... ... ...
without reservations.
because only then will find the balance ....

And you should embrace those feelings, those feelings ...
because they are La Vida

Let me ask you a question ...
"Did you ever believe in mermaids?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bubbling Popping Under Rib

"But Marx and all those who predicted the disintegration of old values \u200b\u200band social relations were right. Capitalism was a revolutionary force permanently and continuously. Logically, would eventually disintegrate even those aspects of the past precapitalist that had been convenient (and essential) to retain for its development. end up down at least one the grounds on which it rested. And that is what is happening since mid-century. Under the influence of the extraordinary economic boom experienced during the golden age and in later years, with consequent social and cultural changes, the most profound revolution that occurred in society since the Stone Age, these foundations have begun to crack. At the turn of this century has been possible for the first time, a glimpse of how it can be a world in which the past has lost its function, including the past in the present, in which the old maps that guided human beings, individually and collectively, by the way of life no longer reproduce the landscape in which we move and the ocean on the sail. A world where not only do not know where we're going, but not where we should turn. "
Eric Hobsbawm