Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Michigan Drivers License Thickness


I just came to say, I got it, lived it , I found the intense gaze q was looking for, I felt the tear and the illusion that there are many lives in life, who are the values \u200b\u200bwe hold, that there are a hundred thousand ways to approach life that the western world know it is a tiny fraction of world reality ...
I felt so much that the heart still I have shrunk, I arrived on Sunday and still have not digested the incredible sensations and images in my head ...
could talk about the spectacular sunrise that I lived in a barcucha sinking in the middle of the Ganga, can talk about the amazing trek through the Himalayas, could talk about what makes you gasp the majestic Taj Mahal .. but no ... I did not come to that and not anything that has been the best trip ....

The main reason this post is off my hat for Álvaro , for his attitude, as we felt in Calcutta and in our own home from the first moment, we do not even know physically I did not know who was coming ... and he did not care, we opened, the people, the world of this great little space that is Calcutta .. its micro Paradise ...

Álvaro ... Álvaro a great guy ... but .. "Do you know what was the best gift I made? Taught me his rock ... the magic rock in which he spends hours ... enjoying the pleasure of watching the world go by ...

For us, and now includes David, Calcutta would not have been an incredible experience it has been, if he had not been there.
Thanks for all friend here I am, for what you need ... Huge hug for you, Gopal who stole my heart and all the good people who are there ... living that reality ...

David good luck in this new adventure ... and I miss you ...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Maker Of Emblem For Ragnarok

Thursday 13-12, Guided tour of the Museum and Castillo de Sagunto


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Phrases Invitation To A Birthday

Wednesday 28-11 Thursday 13-12 Thursday 15-11

Wednesday 28-11, at 12 h. Museum tour in Godella Pinney. __________


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All I Can Think About Is Masterbation

Thursday 15-11, at 12 h. Sorolla Exhibition tour, Bancaja. _______


Monday, October 15, 2007

Problems With Isee Test Low Scores Middle Level

By Sergio

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Goodman Heat Pump Thermostat Wiring Diagram


15 people killed (known) and more than 300 detainees ...

18 years of military rule, enduring constant violations of human rights and the use children in the military.

the Burmese government in August rose more than 60% the price of petrol, diesel prices doubled and quintupled that of natural gas as a result, part of the population can not reach their place of work ... And

prohibit them from going out,
prohibit protest ....
denied their rights ....

and cover ....

cafes are closed and prohibited from leaving any material information, or text, or images. ..

And in the streets ... the army does its "job" ...

And the international community, once more notes ...

"will continue marching until they get democracy. If they fail this time, Burma has no hope, "

Raymond Saw Kyaw Htoo (ethnic minority member of the Karen and Burmese exile for four years.)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What Are The Floaties In My Urine

¿again will feel like as a kid, the sound of rain hitting? ¿
the same nerves? ¿
with the same desire? ¿
the same intensity?

You draw a grimace as he recalled his

gesture and to feel the nausea ...

and you will repeat that everyone makes mistakes

and rely on being able to learn ... and not do it again ...

and be able to erase the vivid ...

to the trip is not so extremely heavy ...

and everything will return to the quiet .....

because I have not finished learning to walk without holding you ...


I wanted to be
be a cosmonaut ...

soar leave everything

by a space of silence

few million light years

and your memory


night for a day when

pursue dreams

me and you do not appear

have my ship in a star

look at the sky when it rains

and a window to the south ...

Imaginary sexual experiences

be a cosmonaut at the base of Morón

have my ship in a star

look at the ground when it rains

and south window

night Change

the day when dreams

persecute me

and fail you ... ...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Advertisements And Drawing

After 30 years of experience, I am definitely with the right to say openly ...

LOVE (or whatever) is shit

ufffff that .... calm down and stay a

I hope you never miss the friends


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Average Nyc Dermotology Consultation Fee

so nervous ...
............. many fears ...
..................... so hard ...
................................ many dreams ...
............................................ many questions ...
.............................................. ........ many expectations ...

What sensations ...

Some have lived with me since almost the beginning, for over a year and a half ......

Finally ... I just bought a ticket to India ... the dream is coming ... I hope this time does not move away again ...

I take a backpack overloaded with good intentions ...
... ed sasirnos Anell and éreart the

Many thanks to all who have supported me with this ... my mother ... my friends ...

.... especially to Nako which is still in those lands and hopefully embrace there, while we smile together on the steps of Varanasi .. . seeing a towering statue of Buddha ...

and Sonia ... Q came to play one of the most important parts of his life, but are left part of a heart there, in Calcutta and I will make sure it's still there ... beating .... Sonia, nice, I'll take that protection around his neck ...

Álvaro ... not dawdle ... I see you there mate ... I take my chai while watching the sun .. the banks of the Ganges ....

Nuria .. pretty ... if you had not encouraged to come with me ... I probably would have screwed up on their feet ... (Perdón..) Will be a sublime experience ... (;) Art) ...

had to tell thee ...

I can not stop smiling .....

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Rapidshar Cookies Premier


understand that the post I'll post a long and difficult to digest if you're not fools like me, because I Public proud to publish it because I usually only see one side and because I feel like it.

I decided to publish it verbatim because never in a million years, I have been able to refine both the data.

understand, from those that motivate you this item and you may have the courage to read it, many do not .... compartáis I have no intention in principle to create here a polemic attack / defense Fidel, because, regardless of the opinion that I deserve, I'm talking about an entire people, a history of resistance and belonging ....

Finally, to whom it may concern .... We

, Miguel ..... ¡¡¡¡¡¡ ATTACKS
"Some attorneys multiply the charges against the Cuban Revolution, and constantly accused of all sorts of things. You are a lawyer, What arguments in defense of the Revolution oppose them?

Well, I'm going to be long, I warn. And I'll go back to some arguments I said in the speech of the 50 th anniversary of the Moncada. Because, let's see, what is to blame for Cuba? What honest person has any reason to attack?

With his own blood and the weapons seized from the enemy, the people overthrew a cruel tyranny of Batista imposed by the U.S. government, which had 80,000 men under arms. It was the first territory free from imperialist domination in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the only country in the hemisphere, throughout history postcolonial, torturers, murderers and war criminals that took the lives of tens of thousands of people were tried and punished exemplarily.

recovered and turned over land to peasants and agricultural workers. Natural resources industries and basic services were placed in the hands of the only true owner: the Cuban nation. In less than seventy-two hours, fighting ceaselessly day and night, Cuba crushed the Bay of Pigs mercenary invasion organized by a United States government, which avoided a direct military intervention in that country and a war of incalculable consequences. The Revolution already had the Rebel Army more than four hundred thousand weapons and hundreds of thousands of militiamen. Confronted with honor, without concession, the risk of being attacked with dozens of nuclear weapons in 1962. Defeated the "dirty war" extended to the entire country, at a cost of lives than you paid for the liberation war. Stoically endured thousands of acts of sabotage and terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. government. Thwarted hundreds of assassination plots against leaders of the Revolution.

In the midst of a rigorous blockade and economic war that has lasted half a century, Cuba was able to eradicate illiteracy in one year, which have not been overcome in more than four decades, the other Latin American countries (with the notable exception of Venezuela, thanks to the Bolivarian revolution), or the United States. led free education to one hundred percent of the children. It has the highest school retention rate (over 99% between kindergarten and ninth grade) of all the nations of the hemisphere. Its elementary school students rank first worldwide in the knowledge of language and mathematics. Also ranks first worldwide in per capita teachers and class sizes. The whole of children with physical or mental study in special schools. Teaching computing and the use of audiovisual methods now extend to all children and young people, in fields and cities.

The study economic rewards of State has, for the first time ever, an opportunity for all young people between 17 and 30 years who did not study or possess employment. Any citizen has the possibility of undertaking studies that will take them from kindergarten to obtain the degree of Doctor of Science without spending a single penny. The nation now has more than 30 university graduates, intellectuals and professional artists for every one that existed before the Revolution. The average level of knowledge of a Cuban citizen today has at least nine degrees. In Cuba there is not even functional illiteracy. Schools

training of artists and art instructors have spread to all provinces, where they study and develop their talent and dedication more than twenty thousand young people. Tens of thousands more do so in vocational schools, which are quarries of vocational schools. University campuses are progressively spreading to all municipalities. Never occurred anywhere else so huge educational and cultural revolution that will turn to Cuba, by far the country with more knowledge and culture in the world, faithful to Martí's profound conviction that
"without culture there is no freedom possible"

Infant mortality has fallen from 60 per thousand live births at a rate that fluctuates between 6 and 6.5. is the lowest in the hemisphere, from Canada and the United States to Patagonia. The life expectancy has risen in fifteen years. Infectious and communicable diseases such as polio, malaria, neonatal tetanus, diphtheria, measles, rubella, parotitis, whooping cough and dengue have been eradicated; others like tetanus, meningitis, meningitis, hepatitis B, leprosy, meningitis and tuberculosis hemophilus are fully controlled. Today in our country people die of the same causes as in most highly developed countries: cardiovascular diseases, cancer, accidents, and others.

A profound revolution is carried out to bring medical services to the population, to facilitate their access to health care centers. Preserve life and alleviate suffering. Depth research is carried out to break the chain, mitigate or minimize the problems of genetic, prenatal or childbirth-related. Cuba is today the country with highest per capita number of doctors ; almost doubles the number of those who follow behind.

scientific centers are working relentlessly to find preventive or therapeutic solutions against more severe disease. Cubans have the best medical system in the world, whose services will continue to receive absolutely free, social security covers one hundred percent of the country's citizens.

85% of the population owns housing. This freedom from taxation. The remaining 15% pay a wholly symbolic rent, which is barely 10% of salary.

Use de drogas alcanza a un ínfimo número de personas, y se lucha resueltamente contra él. La lotería y otras formas de juego lucrativo fueron prohibidas desde los primero años de la Revolución para que nadie cifrara su esperanza de progreso en el azar.

Nuestra televisión, radio y prensa no practican la publicidad comercial. Cualquier promoción está dirigida a cuestiones de salud, educación, cultura, educación física, deporte, recreación sana, defensa del medio ambiente; a la lucha contra las drogas, contra los accidentes u otros problemas de carácter social. Nuestros medios de difusión masiva educan, no envenenan ni enajenan. No se rinde culto ni se exaltan los valores de las podridas consumer societies.

There is no cult of personality around any living revolutionary, statues, official photographs, names of streets or institutions. The people who run and are people, not gods.

In our country there are paramilitary forces or death squads, nor has ever used violence against the people, or extrajudicial executions or torture is used. We cultivate brotherhood and solidarity among men and peoples, within and outside the country.

It educates the younger generation and all the people in protecting the environment. The mass media are used in the formation of an ecological conscience. Our country stands with firm cultural identity, assimilating the best of other cultures while resolutely combating everything that distorts, alienates and degrades. The development of healthy and non-professional sports has raised our people to the highest levels of medals and honors worldwide.

scientific research in the service of our people and humanity, multiplied hundreds of times. Result of these efforts, important life-saving medicines in Cuba and other countries. Never invented or developed biological weapon, which would be in total contradiction with the training and awareness has been raised and educated our staff.

Nowhere other people so deeply rooted in the spirit of international solidarity. Our country supported the Algerian patriots in their struggle against French colonialism at the expense of affecting the political and economic relations with an important European country like France. We sent weapons and troops to defend Algeria from Moroccan expansionism when King Hassan II of this country sought to seize the iron mines of Gara Djebilet, near the town of Tindouf, southwestern Algeria.

The entire staff of a tank brigade stood guard at the request of the Arab nation of Syria between 1973 and 1975 against the Golan Heights, when this territory was unjustly seized from that country.
The leader of the Republic of Congo when it first achieved independence, Patrice Lumumba, who was harassed from abroad, received our political support. Was assassinated by the colonial powers in January 1961, lent assistance to his followers.

Four years later, in 1965, Cuban blood was shed on the western side of Lake Tanganyika, where Che, with over a hundred Cuban instructors supported the Congolese rebels fighting against white mercenaries in the service of Mobutu, the man West, whose forty billion dollars stolen is not known why European banks are saved, or to whom. Blood

of Cuban instructors was shed while training and supporting fighters of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde, under the command of Amilcar Cabral, fought for the independence of this former Portuguese colonies.

same was true for ten years, helping the Net Angostinho MPLA in the struggle for independence from Angola. Achieved, and over 15 years, hundreds of thousands of Cuban volunteers participated in defending Angola from the attacks of racist South African troops in complicity with U.S. and using dirty war tactics, planted millions of mines, wiped out villages complete and killed more than half a million men, women and children Angolans. In Cuito and on the border of Namibia, in southwest Angola, Angolan and Namibian forces and forty thousand Cuban soldiers struck a blow against the South African troops, which then had seven nuclear weapons supplied or helped to produce by Israel with full knowledge and complicity of the United States government. This meant the immediate liberation of Namibia and speeded up maybe 20 or 25 years the end of apartheid.

Over nearly fifteen years, Cuba has a place of honor in solidarity with the heroic people of Vietnam, in a barbaric and brutal war the United States, which killed two million Vietnamese, in addition to the number of injured and disabled veterans; that was inundated with chemicals that have caused incalculable damage present.

Cuban blood was shed together with the blood of citizens of various Latin American countries and with Cuban and Latin American blood of Che Guevara, murdered on instructions from U.S. agents in Bolivia, when he was wounded and taken prisoner after his weapon had been rendered useless by a shot in combat.

Cuban blood of construction workers who were already on the verge of concluding an international airport that was vital to the economy of a tiny island tourism, was shed fighting in defense of Grenada, invaded by the United States cynical pretexts .

Cuban blood was shed in Nicaragua, when instructors from our Armed Forces were training the brave Nicaraguan soldiers confronting the dirty war organized and armed by the U.S. against the Sandinista revolution.

And there are even examples. Spend two thousand heroic Cuban internationalist combatants gave their lives fulfilling their sacred duty to support the struggle of liberation and independence of other sister nations. In none of these countries there is a Cuban-owned. No other country in our era has exhibited such brilliant pages of sincere and selfless solidarity.

Cuba has always preached by example. Never faltered. Never sold out the cause of another people. Never made concessions. Never betrayed its principles. For something was reelected in July 2003, by acclamation, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as a member for three more years of the Commission on Human Rights, integrating this body continuously for 15 years.

Over half a million Cubans have carried out internationalist missions as combatants, as teachers, as technicians or as doctors and health workers. Tens of thousands of the latter have served and saved millions of lives over more than 40 years. Currently, more than three thousand specialists in general medicine integral and other health workers working in the most remote places in 18 countries of the Third World, where by preventive and therapeutic methods saved each year hundreds of thousands of people without charging a penny for their services.

Without the Cuban doctors offered to the United Nations Organization in case of obtaining the necessary funds (without which entire nations and even whole regions of Sub-Saharan Africa are at risk of dying) the crucial programs urgently needed to combat AIDS would not be possible.

Cuba has developed techniques to teach reading and writing for radio with texts now available in five languages: cróele, Portuguese, French, English and English that are already being implemented in some countries. You are about to conclude a similar program in English, of exceptional quality, to teach literacy by television. These programs were developed in Cuba and are genuinely Cuban. We are not interested in patent exclusivity. We are willing to offer to all Third World countries, which concentrates the largest number of illiterates, without charging a penny. In five years, the 800 million illiterate, at a minimum cost could be reduced by 80%.

I stand here to not overwhelm, but it may follow .... "

FIDEL CASTRO, two voices
Biography Ignacio Ramonet.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Continuing Offer Of Employment Letter

and she ends up thinking that I'm wrong in all its parts, that may not appreciate what I get with both hands by being too eagerly to achieve the impossible ... again and again hitting the same wall ....

difficult it is to make decisions ... hard not to think that whenever possible, you're wrong ...

Man, "does anyone know where oracles sell?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Cruising Orlando Area


On Wednesday 11 July, were evicted 30 people homeless Tunnel Plaza of Spain, without having first informed Services Social.

A hose swept their belongings and the little dignity that kept ...

Of the 30 evacuees, only 4 agreed, after being persuaded by SAMUR mobile units, go to community centers.

"although others had agreed to be treated," warns Socialist councilor in charge of this matter, Pedro Zerolo, the reality is that the City Council at that time had only accommodation for four people. "

This is the government of Gallardón, these solutions, sweeping problems under the rug and hide.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How To Track Volume Licenses

I love life ... I caught
surprises ....

"You know I've read that it is believed that the planets make music to move along a compass?
Amazing, is it not ??... "Can you imagine the sounds ??....

seems that Pythagoras believed that the distance between the planets, was related to the proportions of length of the strings in overtones, and that you are, in turn, corresponded with the movements of the human soul. So when the planets are making music, music that unfortunately we are unable to hear if our behavior is not moral enough ...

So, although we are not moral enough yet, well open up your ears, we are always on the lookout ... lest we exhaust the music of life ....

Bollywood Actress Fully Without Clothes

I do not like my emotional stability is in hands that are not mine ...

But when I noticed that ....
is because I wobble ....

Friday, June 29, 2007

Pokemon Emerald,gameshark Money

Without You I'm Nothing
Although I do not like too topicazos fall, there are times when it is almost inevitable ....

feel like I do, I'll tell you a story which to me is courage, one of many, one of those thousands and thousands of stories that will never be known large-scale but nevertheless have within their cross, true heroes for characters ...

In this case I happened to close ... two of my best friends ... together since back in the 18 ... and I guess we are ...

My little tribute, my total admiration for her ... muchacho her he once said here, that took the courage to take all the love she felt for her husband, put on hat and risk of bearing the consequences of their acts ... with all the pain ...

She not only had their fears so heavy ... but fell on his back the fears of his family, concrete slabs ...

She had absolutely no not clear what kind of consequences would confess ... but he knew ... with all your questions ... With all the pressures ... with all the risk ... I had to be true to your feelings and loyalty he owed to him ...
She who could see with astonishing clarity that it had no alternative ... that no matter what happened, had to be consistent with their emotions ...

She was once able to confess her feelings for women ...

And of course he ... the faithful companion ... the unconditional friend ... that although her husband made mistakes as we make all showed quality, a Love and probably had not ever shown the soil to collect the pieces of his soul and the heart does not mend, embrace and whisper ... always, always be with you ...

And here we are ... three years later ... all together ...
He has a new family long ago ... she also had it, but above all, above all, we are a compact group, coupled to the pride, solid little I have in my life ...

Plated kids, will face plated by the comments, the misunderstandings, family pressure and your own fears .... plated for having been able to overcome obstacles together and being now the envy of many couples who have completed ...
Ahh, thanks for being part of my fundamental circle.

I love you guys

* (¿;) Avalon recognize the boy?)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Female Strippers Vids

although it looks like ...

NOT obvious



Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Practice Hardy- Weinberg Equation

And again ...

Incomplete ....