Saturday, January 1, 2011

1972 Torino Station Wagon

New Year. Old Blog. Jesus vs

Yes, believe it or not, I'm about to be serious, as far as possible for me, of course.
no clear reason, or specific, you may have something to do with that first away goal of this blog, which was to give place to the words that in life did not, because the protocol did not understand it right. I do not know, nor do I believe it is important to know.
The point is that, like every year, changing the figure makes me nostalgic. Makes you want to remember, to thank, to wonder of whoring, all those things that the social climate will drag us even spend money buying if it was.
first thing that comes to my head are always the people. Remember those who are no longer part of my daily life for any reason, who got that way and even those who were and are (ie excluding other possible combinations as I would have liked to be part and you gave me no ball or the ball I did not want them and yet are part of the destination tricks synthesis). Everyone goes to one as I move in the list of contacts from my phone. Within seconds I have so many different sensations, many of I can fix them in the act with a text message to ask how it is, to wish a good year or simply to send it to *****( shit), but many others do not, because they are complex, highly personal or Or do wrong? Unexpected "?, Or God knows why. few hugs of those that occur when long is not, no dice. How I miss you ! melancholy and sincere that will disappear as soon as my contact cell change. I love how such from deep will never read or hear. few 'sorry' not me animé a decir. Podría esta ser una manera de llegar... podría...
     Cuando la lista se termina, reviso mi calendario con su agenda. Un invento fantástico si además de anotar lo que tenemos que hacer, nos acordamos de ver lo que anotamos. Claramente no es mi caso.
     Primero las tareas pendientes. Montones de "esta semana juntarse con", "cuando termino de rendir llamar a", "ver peli tal", "arreglar tal cosa", "comprar tal otra", "averiguar aquella". Larga lista de marcas rojas en el calendario que si fuese encontrado así, when I did not wake up, I would say to me unhappy, but not only was I very lazy, laziness and quedadez ... Anyway
awareness that lasts the holiday hangover. Tomorrow is returned to the original idea. When too late, it's too late ... and while there is time to take it now, if you have time!. Too bad the word is so little time specific, and is used both for years to months, days and even hours.
My cell phone is as multifunctional, who also has appointments and tasks carried out, will new!, 90% are partial, parcialitos, deliveries of papers, reports, research and optional ottoman of things, what life? ... Boy-no, no, studying engineering, "ah right, sorry.
No, not so terrible, exaggeration is fun, no one forces you to be where you are or do what you do, puts a priority. Just that some are encouraged more than others.
Anyway, could continue to count all the things you did not live, trying to put words to feelings I did not feel or take more lessons that I learned things that do not, but take the excuse is better served than gives us the change of year to expect that magically keep everything good and everything is bad change.

Welcome to the 2011 a better year, if you wish.

Atte. ==> Emergency exit ==>


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