The atmosphere is great at international conferences. People from completely different cultures sharing the same idea of \u200b\u200bprogress. The physical features of the ethnic groups, clothing, languages, everything from a conference, a wonderful place as to multiculturalism and integration. If all of this, we add the idea that engineering is a congress, we find specimens of the most varied, most bizarre conversations, and geeks everywhere. Meanwhile
genius loose, we were also four. We set out to participate in one of the exhibitions we are most attracted attention. Camouflage for the occasion, we enter the room. From the gate we spotted four empty seats next to a foreigner who seriously looked forward waiting for the moderator home.
genius loose, we were also four. We set out to participate in one of the exhibitions we are most attracted attention. Camouflage for the occasion, we enter the room. From the gate we spotted four empty seats next to a foreigner who seriously looked forward waiting for the moderator home.
(Anonymous 1: A1; Anonymous 2: A2; Anonymous 3: A3; Marquitos: M ; Abroad: E)
A1: Sit in those over there, beside that seems important.
M: Dale, pear, he asked if they are occupied.
(boys are close to the location)
M: (going abroad) Exquiuse me ar Occupied Those chairs?
E: ... (their eyes open too much while his face expresses a perfect face of terror) .
A2: not see who is French, speaks no English!.
M: Ahh! Sorry, This ocupadiƱas Those ...
A3: (ear quietly) French beast!.
(while foreign eyes seemed to leave the orbit while rescue individuals looking around)
M: Sure, sure ... Excusez-moi ces chaises sont occup?
E: (getting to the side and with eyes full of fear) If I let you pass, you promise not to speak anymore in your life? Perhaps
mode was not completely efficient. But clearly, in environments where there is plenty of different cultures, we are like fish in water.
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